Business Mobility Solutions

Business Mobility Solutions

Business Mobility Solutions
Business Mobility Solutions With the rise of the Internet of Things, the world is going mobile. It is estimated that there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2030. Mobile applications are one of the top 3 tactics being deployed by factories of the future to improve performance. Competitive companies are embracing technology to stay ahead of the game. Warehouse workers can’t be tied to a desk. You and your colleagues are on the move, from operating forklifts to supervising picking and packing customer orders. That means you need solutions which are designed for mobility and convenience for workers.

How Can Business Mobility Solutions Benefit Your Business?

  • Increase shop order visibility
  • Accurate labor tracking
  • Issue materials to jobs
  • Enhance inventory control
  • View relevant drawings, notes, and documentation
  • Barcode scanning

Factory Track


Shop floors and infor warehouse mobility need automation systems that can simplify operations and enhance traceability. With Infor® Factory Track, manufacturers get the next level of factory floor and warehouse automation, so they can streamline production processes, speed inventory handling, track labor, and automate attendance operations.
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Case Study


How Guardian Business Solutions helped a leading and award-winning sand casting company improve labor & parts costing, from 70% to 90% accuracy, by providing a customized ERP driven mobile communication and reporting system..
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Maximize Mobility


Our Mobile Applications use the latest smartphone app technology, run on mobile android devices and provide advanced features at a lower purchase cost per worker than Windows based systems.
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  I am impressed by how seamlessly the setup went . . . you and Miff and others in your group really did a great job for us. We appreciate being able to get this done so quickly!   — Midwest Enterprises for the Blind
Diversatek Healthcare