Check out how Infor performs against other ERP industry heavy weights in Panorama Consulting’s annual “Clash of the Titans” analysis. By the data, provided by real companies, you’ll notice how an Infor ERP implementation takes less time and creates less disruption that its competitors.
Panorama Consulting Solutions developed its annual Clash of the Titans analysis to compare the “titans” of the enterprise software industry: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics and Infor.
Clash of the Titans 2019 analyzes responses collected from Panorama’s ERP Benchmark Survey between September 2018 and October 2018. The dataset includes 263 respondents who have selected or implemented SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics or Infor ERP solutions. The analysis is based on all solutions offered by the four vendors across all industries.
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Panorama Consulting Solution’s Annual Clash of the Titans ERP Comparison